Dr Gillian Squirrell

Coaching Done Well

Coaching is a co-active process with coach and client committed to the client deepening their insights coupled with taking bold actions which can be reflected upon and further developed.  Coaching as I practice it is an on-going cycle of learning and acting, both elements are important.  There is limited value rushing into one action after another and failing to reflect, likewise there seems little of merit to be found in on-going unactioned talk. 

The role of the coach has a number of elements, including:

  • holding the space for a client's explorations and witnessing what emerges
  • stimulating exploration with powerful questions and inquiries, and not just settling with what may be easy or obvious
  • prompting curiosity and the development of alternative perspectives and choice
  • prompting exploration of patterns and repetitive themes
  • holding accountability and raising the bar through challenges
  • helping develop with the client a range of techniques and strategies which can be used between coaching sessions and after the close of coaching to support the client in on-going action and reflection. For example, tools to tackle self-doubt and self-sabotage; tools to support self-assessment and problem solving, tools to strengthen motivation, tools to support self-authorization and self-compasssion

Coaching and Consultancy or other Commission

Coaching can be provided as part of a commission to an organization, for example working with a team, group or leadership on culture change projects or strategic changes.  Coaching might be commissioned by a single member within an organization, for example, working on leadership.

Coaching might be requested as part of another activity, such as developmental evaluation, in helping after an evaluation or as part of a change or consultancy project.

The Bigger Game

Coaching with groups and teams can take the form of using The Bigger Game. This is a simple yet effective model based on the idea of a traditional game board. The board can be used to help people to clarify their thinking, push to action and to become more strategic about developing their 'bigger game'.  

With teams and groups who work together taking The Bigger Game workshop can be an effective way to stimulate conversations about shared work and projects, to help surface issues, re-stimulate shared commitment and share understandings about the various moving parts within a team project.

The Whos and Whats of Individual Coaching

I work with individuals to explore a number of contexts which are mostly related to work life, work and projects or goals that people set themselves.  These are some examples of categories of work and project type coaching.

  1. Self-authorization or leadership projects where individuals are seeking to make a difference through a project or start-up enterprise.  This could be writing a book or producing some other media project or setting up an enterprise
  2. Individuals exploring their working lives and work contexts with a view to making changes
  3. Working with individuals on developing alternative perspectives about their current work role and re-discovering motivation and commitment
  4. Individuals entering a new role and finding some coaching support useful in negotiating their way into a new situation

The Bigger Game

Download more information on The Bigger Game for Individuals, Organizations and Teams and Coaches. Go to www.BlueDogConsultancy.co for more on The Bigger Game


It is important to be deeply curious for any change to happen